Ahoy, shipmates! Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a first-time cruiser, our epic shipcation at sea promises an experience like no other. We’ve partnered up with a couple of our trusted travel partners to help you with your cabin bookings for IT’S THE SHIP Korea. We’ve got you covered with our trusted official travel partners. Sea ya onboard!

For our shipmates from the Land of the Rising Sun, Iflyer is your go-to partner for booking your cabin. With a seamless booking process and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Simply visit their website at Iflyer or drop them a message on Line to secure your cabin and set the course for an adventure of a lifetime.

VVIPEvents – Europe & China 🇨🇳
European shipmates, look no further than VVIPEvents to secure your cabin. With years of experience in event management and a dedication to excellence, VVIPEvents guarantees a hassle-free booking process. Head to their website or reach out to Debby directly via WhatsApp at +31648043851 , WeChat at @Imcevent or email at info@vvipevents.com to reserve your cabin and join us on this epic shipcation.

Ticket Hub Asia – Southeast Asia 🇸🇬🇲🇾🇵🇭🇹🇭🇻🇳
Shipmates hailing from Southeast Asia, Ticket Hub Asia is your cabin to an unforgettable adventure at sea. Gary and his team at Ticket Hub Asia are committed to making your cruise experience extraordinary. Visit their website Ticket Hub Asia or contact them at inquiry@tickethub.asia to secure your cabin and set sail with us.

Journey Enterprise CO. LTD – Thailand 🇹🇭
For our shipmates from the Land of Smiles, Journey Enterprise CO.,LTD is here to ensure that your journey to IT’S THE SHIP Korea is nothing short of spectacular. With a focus on customer satisfaction and attention to detail, Apple and her team provide top-notch service every step of the way. Visit their website or contact them at +66 6467 89966 to book your cabin and leave the mundane behind.
Don’t miss your chance to be part of IT’S THE SHIP Korea 2024. Book your cabin through our official travel partners and guarantee yourself an experience you’ll never forget. From Japan to Europe, Southeast Asia to Thailand, our partners are ready to help you set sail on the journey of a lifetime.